Quality Policy

Quality Policy Statement

The General Director establishes his quality policy for the organization, which is the basis of the Quality Management System based on the needs and expectations of our customers and interested parties in accordance with the requirements of the ISO Standard. 9001: 2015 and is part of their work philosophy and commitment to it. ITC Soluciones is a software company whose quality policy is to apply a process of continuous improvement to provide its clients with products and services of excellence that satisfy their requirements and needs.. The quality policy is based on the following principles:

  • Know our CLIENT and their needs, as a way to achieve a product or service that satisfies them.

  • Listen to our clients, their expectations, their judgments and their feelings regarding our products and services as a basis for CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.

  • Assume a proactive attitude to prevent the causes that may give rise to non-conformities of our clients, as a path to EXCELLENCE.

  • Promote the COMMITMENT TO QUALITY from the Management, formulating clear and achievable objectives, supported by their realization and being directly responsible.

  • DELIBERATE AND DECIDE on the way to ensure quality objectives. The training of the members of the organization regarding deliberating and deciding in pursuit of quality is developed continuously.

  • Comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the company.

  • The Quality Policy is the reference framework on which the Quality Objectives and Improvement Plans are established and reviewed. It is the responsibility of the General Director and those responsible for the units, that the quality policy is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization. Consequently, ITC SOLUCIONES Management undertakes to facilitate all the necessary means to comply with this policy, as well as how to adapt it to the evolution of the market and technologies. The established policy is periodically reviewed, checking that it is appropriate to the situation of the Company. This policy must be assumed and understood by all levels of the organization, for which, it is communicated to the ITC SOLUCIONES staff and is exhibited in different parts of the company and available to third parties.

Nicolas Aquistapace
Mendoza, 11 de Junio de 2020
Rev. 2

Quality Management System
Certified by IRAM
Standard IRAM-ISO 9001:2015