ITC Soluciones we carry out a series of concrete initiatives to minimize the impact on our environment and on our people, and that are framed within some of the sustainable development objectives (ODS).
Water: Being in an arid area our irrigation is based mostly on a drip irrigation system, where we try to use the least amount of water possible. We minimize the use of drinking water for irrigation, maintaining a balance between this use and the need to afforest.
Irrigation: We channel the little rainwater that we receive from our roofs to the irrigation tank instead of dumping it into the effluent network or onto the street.
Electricity Consumption for lighting: By design we maximize the use of natural light in our building. Our spaces have a higher than average luminosity to be able to take advantage of the light as many hours a year and that we regulate via curtains. Our lighting is completely LED.
Thermal insulation: we use DVH in all our glazing, and walls lined with additional insulation to try to reduce the thermal loss of our offices, and the electrical cost in heating.
Electricity consumption for heating: Our centralized system controls the temperature ranges and performs an automatic shutdown outside working hours.
Sustainable mobility through various bicycles available.
Homeworking as a complement has become part of our usual policy partly due to the pandemic, partly to avoid unnecessary transfers of personnel.
Electric self-generation: We try to generate all the electric energy we consume. We install and maintain about 20kVA of solar generating power in our building.
Dump to the surplus network: We certify the installation by the Provincial Electric Energy Agency and the local distributor and we contribute the surplus generation to the public network.